We are the


for digital futures.

デジタル変革科学科では, デジタル科学, 情報科学, 変革の力を融合し, より良い未来を創造する人材を育成するために, 私たちは一丸となって取り組んでいます.

We all in the department are combining digital science, digital technology, computer science, and a power of transformation to develop human resources to create better futures as one.

Our digital futures

The Potential of Digital Science

情報科学の大部分を担うデジタル科学の未来にはさまざまな可能性があります. 私たちはみんな, デジタル科学とその技術を活用する役割を担っています. 私たちは, デジタルが作る未来について積極的に考え, それが良い方向に使われるように共に学ぶ必要があります. あなたには, 本当の意味で変化をもたらす可能性を秘めています. あなたはその “ひとり” になれるのです.

The future of digital science, which is a huge part of computer science, holds many possibilities. We all have a role to play in the use of digital science and technology. We need to actively think about the digital future and learn together to use it for good. You have the potential to make a real difference. You can be that “one”.



Digital Tech in Use



Global Market for Digital Tech

WWW のバージョン


Version of World Wide Web



Bitcoin Issuance Limit

生成 AI 導入割合


Gen AI Deployed Percentage

2027 年のメタバース市場予測


Metaverse Market Forecast to 2027



Possibility of Future



Types of Cryptocurrencies

What We Do research and educate

Featured Contents

Digital Transformation


Using digital technology to radically transform the way organizations operate and deliver value to customers.



Scientific communication management enables effective decision-making and collaboration.


デジタルデータの世界で生成 AI やモデルを活用し, 変革のスピードを加速する.

Accelerate the speed of change by utilizing Generative AI and models in the digital world.



System Development that are easy for users to use and understand, and work as a team.


チームのために明確で説得力のある目標を明確に示し, チームを大きく成長させる.

Articulate clear and compelling goals for the team and help them grow significantly.

Risk Management

リスクを特定し, 評価し, 制御して不確実性を管理し, 悪影響を最小限に抑える.

Identify, assess, and control risks to manage uncertainty and minimize adverse effects.

Group Work

協力し合いながら新しい分野を学び, 問題解決能力を養い, 共通の目標を達成する.

Learn new subjects, develop problem solving skills, and achieve common goals in a collaborative environment.



Creating a democratic future through new digital technologies based on blockchain technology.



Creating a new future with secure, transparent digital assets and decentralized autonomous organizations.

Open Source

誰でも閲覧, 修正, 再配布できる透明性の高いデジタル技術で世界に貢献する.

Contribute to the world with digital technology that can be viewed, modified, and redistributed by anyone.

Digital Systems Science


Combining digital science and computer science to build system principles.

Use of English


Grasp the structure of English and disseminate digital science knowledge and technology to the world.

Presentation Skills


Create engaging presentations by summarizing key points clearly and presenting the digital world.

Digital Marketing


Using digital technology to transform customer service into something more sophisticated and accessible.

Artificial Intelligence


Capable of advanced reasoning to solve a wide range of problems from games to medical diagnosis.

Data Science

科学的分析, システム, アルゴリズムを用いてデータから知識や洞察を引き出す.

Extract knowledge and insights from data using scientific analysis, systems, and algorithms.


Python により機械学習, データサイエンス, Web 開発, システム管理を実現する.

Realize machine learning, data science, web development, System administration in Python.

Productivity Improvement

デジタル技術によりサービスの企画, 開発, 運用を通じて生産性向上を目指す.

Improve productivity by planning, developing, and operating services using digital technology.

Co-creative Digital Officer


Play a role in solving social problems by using digital technology and collaborating with people from diverse backgrounds.

Synergy Creation


What would be impossible if people worked separately is made possible by people working together.

Project Based Learning


Actively participate in teams that solve problems and challenges to accomplish projects together.

“The digital future will be a world where we can all connect with each other and collaborate on a global scale.“

“デジタルの未来は, 私たち全員が互いにつながり, 世界規模で協力できる時代が訪れる.“

Sir Tim Berners-Lee
Inventor and Innovator of the World Wide Web

What is



デジタルの世界では X を transformation の略語で用いることがありますが, 未来が変わっていくように X はあなたにとっての変数です.

In the Digital world, X is sometimes used as an abbreviation for transformation, but X is a variable for you, just as the future is changing.

X = future
X = science
X = computing
X = technology

X = transformation
X = data
X = art
X = experience

X = scientist
X = engineer
X = communicator
X = innovator

デジタル変革科学科では X にはあなたへのデジタルの何かが入ります.

X will be something digital for you in the department.